Has America ever truly embraced the important contribution of its “melting pot” of cultures? Or is America “back-sliding” when it comes to diversity?

A post by CPX on “Celebs You Didn’t Know Are Black” appeared in the November 5, 2014 edition of http://www.pressroomvip.com had this to say about diversity in America.

“America’s strength comes from its’ diversity, and some of the country’s most prominent celebrity figures have        incredibly diverse ethnic backgrounds–even though you might not know it. So embrace the melting pot, and climb up into these celebrity’s eclectic family trees–and you might discover that their history, talent, and beauty comes from all over the world.”

Has America ever acknowledged or given credit to the contributions from people of color who are a part of this melting pot of culture?  I don’t think so.  So many creations and inventions have been made by those who are not considered a part of main stream America, and they are never given the credit they deserve!  Why is that?

On the recent nominations for the SWAG Awards, Viola Davis has “replaced” Kerry Washington as the actress nominated in a TV drama.  Was there only one spot for people of color in a TV drama?

What are your thoughts on this subjectt?