Has America ever truly embraced the important contribution of its “melting pot” of cultures? Or is America “back-sliding” when it comes to diversity?

A post by CPX on “Celebs You Didn’t Know Are Black” appeared in the November 5, 2014 edition of http://www.pressroomvip.com had this to say about diversity in America.

“America’s strength comes from its’ diversity, and some of the country’s most prominent celebrity figures have        incredibly diverse ethnic backgrounds–even though you might not know it. So embrace the melting pot, and climb up into these celebrity’s eclectic family trees–and you might discover that their history, talent, and beauty comes from all over the world.”

Has America ever acknowledged or given credit to the contributions from people of color who are a part of this melting pot of culture?  I don’t think so.  So many creations and inventions have been made by those who are not considered a part of main stream America, and they are never given the credit they deserve!  Why is that?

On the recent nominations for the SWAG Awards, Viola Davis has “replaced” Kerry Washington as the actress nominated in a TV drama.  Was there only one spot for people of color in a TV drama?

What are your thoughts on this subjectt?

Why was Michael Brown stopped? Was he WWB (walking while Black)?

I shed tears as I read the current news stories from Ferguson Missouri. America, here we go again with another national tragedy of a slain African American male. No, Michael Brown is not the only slain African American male we’ve heard about recently. There are many more that can be added to this number; many slain by their own hand. This useless violence must end!

I understand that breaking windows, trashing neighborhood businesses (news media calls it looting) may not seem productive to most of us, but I get it! I get it! They want to be seen, heard!! The want to know their presence is felt! When reading news reports and comments, there seems to be an overwhelming number of people (Black and White) who want to know what Michael Brown did that warranted the confrontation. (This question has not yet been answered in the Trayvon Martin case.) Yes, I would like to hear a version that actually called for an officer to pull a gun on—hold up, first what made the officers even stop these two young African American men—two men walking down the street. There have been no reports of them “running away from law enforcement.” There have been no reports of them jay walking. Why were these two men even confronted. Stop asking what the young man did that made the officers pull their weapon! Ask why did the officers stop them in the first place. Why?! Why?!

As a mother of two young African American males, I have tried to teach them respect for themselves, their fellowman, their community, and their nation. This message somehow falls short when the nightly news broadcast comes on. We–African American families, communities, churches, organizations, etc…–must continuously emphasize the importance of the African American male and how some of what is now happening in our communities is a direct result of their lack of presence… (I leave that sentence as … because there is a lot more conversation needed there.) We’ve got to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Our young brothers belong in our neighborhoods, towns, cities, etc. They are needed! They belong!

Holidays and Mondays always gets me down…

Once upon a time I loved the holidays!  I didn’t really care which one, just any holiday was fine with me.  Of course, that was when I was a kid.  Even as I grew into a young adult, I enjoyed the holidays, especially the Christmas season.

Later on when I had children, I loved decorating the house and cooking big dinners in order for them to experience the holiday season in a grand way.  I also enjoyed trying to create my own family traditions (that didn’t get anywhere!).  Anyhoo, now it just seems as if the whole holiday thing is terribly exhausting!  I am not decorating my house because it takes too much time and energy to put all that crap up, only to spend the same amount of time and energy to take it down a few weeks later!!!  Whew!  Just the thought of all that junk is enough to give me hives.

Now, don’t get me wrong… I enjoy celebrating the birth of Christ during the Christmas season, but all the commercialism that goes along with this holiday is just physically and emotionally draining to me.  Not to mention, the headache of trying to figure out “who’s hosting the family Christmas dinner?”  “Well, if we eat over here, can we go over there for drinks and dancing later?”  “Hey, ya’ll need to come to my house this year!  We all came to your house last year!”  “What time will we eat?”  “No, that’s too early…. Well, that’s too late!”  “I thought you were bringing the turkey, cause I wanna bring this or that.”  Uggh, you get my drift, don’t you?

It’s just too much for me now.  I want to wake up to a quiet Christmas morning, thank God for keeping me and mine another year (another day), hopefully spend some time with my children (they are grown now and have their own ideas about how they spend their holidays) and relax with my coffee!  I don’t want to rush around from house to house trying to please everyone.  Every year I get more and more exhausted with the holiday season.  This year I think Im just gonna prepare me a lavish meal of seafood and desserts and CELEBRATE AT MY HOUSE SO I CAN ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS!  MERRY “FREAKING” CHRISTMAS TO ME!!!

What are your plans for this holiday season?

A Little Frustration Goes a Long Way!

So the Thanksgiving Turkey is all gone…  Back to the regular grind.  I have settled in to the task of closing out the semester by getting all of my papers completed, etc.  How about I get my comprehensive exam grades back and I successfully passed my written comprehensive exam, but my dissertation proposal needs work before resubmitting!  No sH#$!!! I pretty much just threw that mess together so I could get the written exam.

Well anyhoo, how about these folks have already given me a deadline to resubmit the CORRECTED proposal, but to date of this blog post, I HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE GRADED WORK!  What the what?!  Hey you folks!  I am inside of the 30 day mark and I still don’t know the heck it is you want me to do with this sh.. stuff document!!!  My people, my people, my people!

What do I tell my sons?

I have waited for the right words to express my feelings since the Zimmerman verdict was announced on Saturday.  They have yet to come.  I cannot remain quite because, I’ve got to share some wisdom or insight to this horrible situation with my two African-American sons.

What do I tell them?  What can I say about how many Americans view their lives?  What do I tell them went wrong with the Zimmerman trial, that an armed man of 28 admitted to shooting and killing an unarmed, 17 year old African American male child and walked away totally free?

Well, a caucasian friend of mine shared these thoughts with me.  He said, “We don’t really know everything what happened between Zimmerman and Martin.  Martin was obviously winning the fight by slamming Zimmerman’s head against the pavement and he (Zimmerman) didn’t want to die so he shot Martin to protect himself against further injury.”  Well, my friend was right about that. We don’t know everything that happened that night.  But let’s look at what we (and the jury) do (did) know.

1.  Trayvon Martin was a 17 year old unarmed male who was walking home from the store.

2. Martin was walking back to the home of his father’s fiance’–where he and his father were visiting.

3.  There had been no reports of illegal activity by Martin.

4.  Zimmerman was on neighborhood watch duty.

5.  Zimmerman was carrying a firearm as a citizen on neighborhood watch.  He was not authorized or deputized by any law enforcement agency at the time.

6.  Zimmerman called the police to report “suspicious African American male and suspicious activity–WWB (walking while Black).

7.  Police ‘ordered’ Zimmerman not to follow and/or confront person of interest (for lack of better description).

8. This is where the timeline of events get fuzzy….

9.  A confrontation occurs between Martin and Zimmerman.

10.  What WE DO KNOW….  There are no reports of Martin chasing down Zimmerman’s vehicle and dragging him out onto the pavement. So….

11.  Zimmerman disobeyed the police and followed ‘person of interest.’

12.  Zimmerman got out of vehicle and began to follow Martin on foot (with firearm on his person—not left in vehicle).

13.  Details get fuzzy again…..

14.  Martin confronted Zimmerman (a white male following an African American male at night…)  OR

15.  Zimmerman confronted Martin (about what?  Why are you walking?  Why are you walking here?)

16.  Zimmerman was not at his home.

17.  Martin was not at his home.

18.  Both men had the right to “stand their ground.” But….

19.  Why did Zimmerman follow Martin with a firearm after being told NOT TO DO SO by police?


21.  Zimmerman set the wheels of this confrontation (party) in motion.

22.  Zimmerman brought the firearm to the party.

23.  Zimmerman, at that time, was 28 years old and in top physical condition — NOT THAT FAT MAN IN THE COURTROOM.

24.  The results we got….Trayvon Martin was placed on trial and not George Zimmerman!

So, what do I tell my sons?  The masses in American society do not value the lives of African Americans, we are only tolerated.  Be especially careful now because the verdict on Saturday sent a nationwide message that African Americans must prove their innocence once they are killed.  They must prove they had the right to walk where they were walking at the time of the incident!  So to my sons, you are not free in the country in which you were born.  Your presence is merely tolerated to support the causes of the masses.

As a proud, educated mother of two beautiful and intelligent sons, my heart aches because I have nothing more to say!  (TEARS!!!!)

Thursday Rant−Randoms

  • For the past few weeks, I have been busy as heck on my day gig.  I mean its been back to back to back to back (if you know what I mean).  I cannot get a breath.  Well lately I have been a bit unproductive.  I have been shuffling papers back and forth with no particular destination.  Maybe I have been a little distracted because I have been doing church programs, doing research, cussing folks out getting stuff off my chest, and editing papers for students (in other places).  I’ve been working hard though!  How do I know?  ‘Cause I’m tired as hell when I get home!
  • I have fallen behind in a class research project this semester.  Uggghhh!  I just couldn’t grasp the who concept of doing a lit review.  Well, Im still a pluggin’.  Ima get ‘er done!
  • A young friend cousin someone I know, is bringing a female friend home to my house for the weekend.  We have discussed this several times.   How about today I find out the young lady’s name is NOT what my friend this guy I know has been calling her.  She has been “mistakenly” called by his ex’s name.  And I was chastised for referring to her as “that other girl’s name.”  Geesh!  Get it together son guy I know!  In addition to that, I have been advised told instructed to serve seafood all weekend.  WTH?!  When they leave my house on Sunday, they will be SICK of seafood and ME!  We are going to eat shrimp,  shrimp and grits, shrimp chowder, shrimp sandwich, shrimp kabobs, shrimp patties, shrimp shakes, well… that’s about it.  You get the picture!
  • Found a cute cartoon to put on my The PHIdiva’s FB page!  “I don’t know why everybody keeps trying to bring sexy back!  I’m right here!  I never even left!”
  • What’s going on with you?

Friend (Fiends) Gone Wild!

Life truly is amazing.  When I was young, I really didn’t realize all the complexities of life and people.  Nearly everyday lately I am discovering new complexities and layers of people and life in general.

I am finding myself becoming more of a loner because I do not currently have the mental space to deal with many people and their idiosyncrasies, especially when I have my own to contend with.  Some people are just plain crazy!  They will attach themselves to you under the pretense of being your best friend.  A while later you will find they have stolen your time, maybe some “ends”, and more importantly your ______________ .

I left a blank there because I am not quite certain how to characterize what I am referring too.  Sometimes these so called friends or co-workers can suck the life right out of you if you are not careful.  Maybe what I am talking about is your identity.

Have you ever been with people who constantly try to change who you are?  I mean, they do it subtly, but change in your personality, passion for life, dedication, etc…  is what they are after and almost demand!  You have these people in your life, believe me.  You just might not have realized them for who they really are yet.  Do you have someone with whom you spend time with and immediately following the time spent, you are just exhausted???!!!  That’s them!!!

Kick ’em to the curb if you cannot maintain your strength and viability with them in your life.  Whew!  I feel better now that I’ve gotten that off my chest!

Wednesday Randoms…

Good Morning My Fellow Americans…

The PHIdiva is back in action with a list of random thoughts for a wonderful HumpDay!

  • It gets under my skin that so many people in America are seemingly “pissed” at Beyonce’s choice to perform a well-rehearsed and “recorded” rendition of the Star Spangled Banner during the Inaugural Celebration.  Get real!  The performance was flawless and free.  How many times have you paid to see your favorite performers and they lip sync half of the concert?  Yea, well I thought so!  Besides, Beyonce’s performance was NOT the highlight of the day.
  • Oh yea, I have managed to keep off nine (9) of the 16 pounds I lost last year!  Wooo Hooooooo!  I’m starting back with Phase I of the Atkins Diet at some point in the near future.  Until then I will monitor what I eat and exercise at least four days per week.  Good?  Good!
  • I am saddened to hear of the death, an apparent suicide, of a former student and friend at UM.  Authorities are saying he shot himself during a traffic stop where he was asked to pull over for not wearing his seatbelt.  Do ya’ll smell that?  Fishy, huh?
  • Finally, I am eternally grateful for having a good job in these lack-luster economic conditions, however it is increasingly difficult to remain motivated when you are an eagle and “zoo managers” keep treating you like a turkey!

Well that’s what’s on my mind today folks!  Have I gone crazy, or am I on point?

The PHIdiva sounds off on election…

I find it difficult to remain quiet about the way many of my friends are behaving following the re-election of President Barak Obama.  It is indeed a very sad day in America, as we realize just how racially divided our country really is.  I hear all sorts of reasons as to why many do not support the POTUS, but I find it all malarky!

I have heard the statement “Blacks are just voting for President Obama because he is black.”  Well I have participated in all presidential elections since the age of 18.  Now that I am 49, I have only had the opportunity to make the choice to vote for a person of color in the presidential election twice.  So, it can be said that I have voted for non-African American candidates before.

I was very disappointed when Gore and Kerry lost elections to President Bush, however I never wanted to leave the Union of the United States.  I was disappointed that my chosen candidate had been defeated, but I still recognized President Bush as “My President” too! I was very disappointed that President Bush’s ideals were not equivalent to mine, but I realized that the greater percentage of Americans voted for him and his principles thereby overruling my wishes.  I accepted that fact.

It is so down-heartening to hear the backlash from last week’s election!  I continue to hear from some (many of whom say they are my friends) that the POTUS and his followers have no idea what is best for this country and that something “has got to be done to change the way these folks think.”  I find that statement disturbing.

Even as the majority of the voters in the United States voted in favor of the ideas and principles for which President Obama stands, the minority now refuses to accept that and move on with the decision of the majority.  I have never seen this kind of reaction before in a democracy.  Is this reaction saying that the principles of democracy only apply to caucasian candidates?  It seems this is a racially divided decision because we have seen all of these problems before on our ballots.  However, now they just cannot be tolerated.

I reaffirm my stance that the minority in this country just do not want to accept leadership from an African American.  Well, it has been proven that African Americans are capable of education, management, and leadership! Does this concept go that far against the grain of society to believe that, “YES WE CAN?!”

The PHIdiva will Vote ——->>>> !!

It is a sad day when Americans have stooped so low as to threaten others about how they choose to cast their vote.  A SAD DAY IN AMERICA

It is even sadder that many wealthy businesses and investors refuse to invest their capital into the U.S. economy because they want the negative results to reflect badly upon the POTUS!  It is even more sad that I very often hear coworkers, friends, and acquaintances TRY to give me legitimate reasons why they are in support of a candidate who cannot keep a firm stance for more than one week on any one particular issue.

I cannot believe this!  I have heard everything from a) the POTUS is not doing anything to create jobs; b) the POTUS cannot turn the economy around; c) Obamacare needs to be repealed because it puts too much pressure on small businesses to provide healthcare for those with pre-existing conditions; d) Obamacare killed my mother; to (my personal favorite) e) it’s just not fair for some of us to have to work to make a living and all those other people are living off of entitlements, etc… .  I JUST CANNOT BELIEVE THESE IDIOTS!  All these statements were made by people who have just accepted a promotion, building a new house (biiiigggg house), had a baby within 60 days of hire date and company insurance paid for it, LADY most mandates for the Healthcare reform act have not yet gone into affect; and DRAWING SOCIAL SECURITY, RECEIVING UNEMPLOYMENT, DRAWING DISABILITY, ETC.. are not entitlements!  These people have worked their but off for this insurance!!!  Furthermore, I believe social service programs were in effect under the past few administrations and I do not see any plans to eliminate them any time soon…regardless of who is elected POTUS!

For the first time, since the current first family entered the White House, African Americans are seen in their true, glorious light.  I hate to say it, but many confused Americans are afraid that their standards of leadership, beauty, and class are now being challenged.  That is what the phrase “let’s take America back” means!  For the first time in history, African American culture, class, beauty, and leadership is standing at the forefront of America and is becoming accepted worldwide!!!!!!!  African Americans are not the enemy—hunger, unemployment, poverty, and stupidity are enemies!

We will not turn back!  VOTE FORWARD!!!!!