Why was Michael Brown stopped? Was he WWB (walking while Black)?

I shed tears as I read the current news stories from Ferguson Missouri. America, here we go again with another national tragedy of a slain African American male. No, Michael Brown is not the only slain African American male we’ve heard about recently. There are many more that can be added to this number; many slain by their own hand. This useless violence must end!

I understand that breaking windows, trashing neighborhood businesses (news media calls it looting) may not seem productive to most of us, but I get it! I get it! They want to be seen, heard!! The want to know their presence is felt! When reading news reports and comments, there seems to be an overwhelming number of people (Black and White) who want to know what Michael Brown did that warranted the confrontation. (This question has not yet been answered in the Trayvon Martin case.) Yes, I would like to hear a version that actually called for an officer to pull a gun on—hold up, first what made the officers even stop these two young African American men—two men walking down the street. There have been no reports of them “running away from law enforcement.” There have been no reports of them jay walking. Why were these two men even confronted. Stop asking what the young man did that made the officers pull their weapon! Ask why did the officers stop them in the first place. Why?! Why?!

As a mother of two young African American males, I have tried to teach them respect for themselves, their fellowman, their community, and their nation. This message somehow falls short when the nightly news broadcast comes on. We–African American families, communities, churches, organizations, etc…–must continuously emphasize the importance of the African American male and how some of what is now happening in our communities is a direct result of their lack of presence… (I leave that sentence as … because there is a lot more conversation needed there.) We’ve got to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Our young brothers belong in our neighborhoods, towns, cities, etc. They are needed! They belong!

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